Umbrella Insurance: When Almost Isn’t Enough

Insurance can provide a sense of safety and security for those who fear the worst. For optimists, insurance is a smart investment against the most unlikely of events. For everyone, however, insurance is the solution and help they need when unexpected, unplanned, and unwelcome events occur. That’s why people from all around Iowa turn to the trusted and professional team at the Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. for all their umbrella insurance questions and needs.

Umbrella Insurance for All the Problems You Do and Don’t Expect

We may not be shocked if we get into a fender-bender. Some things we may not necessarily anticipate but know are possible. What we can’t predict, however, is how other drivers may respond or react. We know that winters in Iowa can be tricky, and an occasional slip or fall isn’t surprising. What we can’t plan on, though, is the claim that follows when someone slips and falls on your property.

These are a few examples of how umbrella insurance can help with those liability issues you can and can’t expect. These are also reasons why people from Iowa choose the trusted and experienced team at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. for all their umbrella insurance questions. When almost isn’t enough, and for all the expected and unexpected events in life, umbrella insurance can offer the protection you need.

Protection and Umbrella Insurance Solutions in Iowa

Do you call the beautiful state of Iowa home? Do you have questions, or would you like to learn more about umbrella insurance and how it could benefit you? We can help. Contact us to find out more and schedule an appointment with our friendly and professional team for all your umbrella insurance needs at the Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency today.

What is uninsured motorist (UM) coverage on an auto insurance policy?

At Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. in Iowa, we understand that auto insurance terminology can be confusing. So, we’re here to clarify some of the terms you might hear from agents or see on your policy paperwork. Today, we’d like to explain coverage for uninsured motorists.

Only uninsured motorist (UM) coverage for bodily injuries (UMBI) is available in Iowa.

Many clients wonder if they need uninsured motorist coverage on their auto policies. While it’s a legal requirement in Iowa, the state allows you to reject the coverage by signing an "Uninsured Motorist Rejection Form." This form indicates that the agent has explained the coverage and its benefits to you, and you’ve chosen to reject the coverage. However, given the increasing number of uninsured drivers, why you would reject such coverage is worth considering.

If you’re involved in an accident caused by an uninsured driver, you could be left to cover medical bills for any injuries sustained during the accident. Uninsured motorist bodily injury coverage provides funds (up to the policy limit) to pay for any medical bills resulting from an accident with an uninsured motorist, whether you were the only one in the vehicle or there were multiple passengers.

Uninsured motorist coverage also provides the same medical coverage if you’re in an accident with a hit-and-run driver who caused an accident and fled the scene.

UM coverages are usually equal to or less than your liability bodily injury coverage on your policy. For instance, if you carry the state minimum liability for bodily injury ($20,000 per person or $40,000 for an accident), your UM coverage will mirror this coverage, at the least.

We’re Here to Help

To learn more about your auto insurance policy and the benefits of uninsured motorist coverage, we’re here to help. Call Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. in Iowa at (614) 939-3404.

Why You May Need Catastrophic Health Insurance

Health insurance is essential for everyone. Unpredictable health issues can arise, and having health insurance ensures you get the help you need. Among various types of health insurance, catastrophic health insurance is one that offers several benefits for those without health insurance. If you’re interested in health insurance in Iowa, contact us at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc.

Covering High Medical Costs

Catastrophic health insurance is designed to cover high medical costs but typically doesn’t cover minor ones. This type of policy usually has a high deductible, meaning that only very expensive costs will be covered by the policy. Regular medical costs wouldn’t be covered by the policy, but they would count towards the deductible. If a medical expense is extremely high, it would meet the deductible and could be covered by the policy. Many healthy individuals opt for this coverage as a safety net in case of a severe injury or illness.

Lower Health Insurance Costs

One of the significant benefits of a catastrophic policy is its lower cost compared to a traditional policy with a lower deductible. Because the benefit is less likely to be used, it costs less. This type of insurance is popular among self-employed individuals on a budget.

Securing Health Insurance in Iowa

Health insurance is a necessity, as future health conditions are unpredictable. If you don’t have health insurance or are considering switching policies, we can help. To learn more, contact us at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. in Iowa.

Making your home a safer place during the holidays

During the holiday season, families tend to gather together in homes. Making sure that everyone is safe is your job as the host. Family can run the gamut from newborns to the elderly. Making sure everyone has a great day and a safe holiday is a big order. In Iowa, you can count on our team at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. to make sure that one thing you won’t have to worry about is your home insurance.

Make sure the exterior of your home is well-lit and clear

People will be coming in and out of your home, and it needs to be a safe walk. Make sure everything is clear and well-lit. There may be weather to worry about depending on where you live, so be prepared.

Food safety

Food poisoning is one of the biggest dangers in your home during the holidays. It is tempting to thaw your turkey on the counter and then stuff it, which is risky at best. After serving food, it needs to be kept at temperature or refrigerated as soon as you are done eating. Avoid leaving it out to let everyone pick at the leftovers. If you are having eggnog, buy it pasteurized or buy eggs that are safe to eat raw.

Protect the pets

Poinsettias are beautiful, colorful, seasonal, and poisonous if your pets ingest them. If you must have them, they should be placed where no pets can get to them.

Protect the kids

What would the holidays be without the kids? Ensure that any medications or poisonous chemicals are under lock and key or high above the reach of adventurous little ones.

Iowa residents can count on our Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. team to provide the personalized service you deserve.

Umbrella Coverage for Personal Needs and Business

Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. provides two types of umbrella insurance to Iowa residents. These are commercial and personal umbrella insurance. Depending on your situation, you may need one or both types. This blog will help you understand these two types of insurance and determine which one or both you need.

Commercial Umbrella Insurance

Some businesses carry a higher liability risk than others. For instance, professionals like doctors, dentists, chiropractors, lawyers, and certain business consultants face potential lawsuits due to malpractice. These professionals often opt for maximum malpractice coverage. However, adding umbrella coverage can ensure the business doesn’t have to pay out of pocket if a lawsuit occurs. Commercial umbrella insurance protects all employees in the business, not just the owner.

Personal Umbrella Insurance

Consider a personal umbrella policy if you engage in high-risk liability personal activities. This could include coaching children or teens in sports or running a home-based hobby or business that involves other people, such as yoga classes or a consultancy where clients visit your home. Individuals who volunteer in community activities, like planning and executing community events, or those who volunteer for political campaigns also need umbrella coverage.

Contact Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Today

We live in a society where lawsuits are common. Your altruism or the nature of your service business in Iowa can increase the risk of being sued for malpractice. Let Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. help you protect your financial assets with an umbrella policy.

Contact us today to find out whether you need commercial, personal, or both types of umbrella insurance. If you run a high-liability risk business, such as a law firm, and you volunteer in your community, you likely need both types of insurance.

A Quick Look at the History of Auto Insurance

Have you ever found yourself intrigued by the history of auto insurance? It’s a fascinating topic. Here’s a quick historical overview. If you’re seeking insurance agents serving Iowa, consider reaching out to Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. We’re pleased to respond to inquiries and assist you in picking the perfect car insurance policy.

The Evolution of Auto Insurance

Before discussing auto insurance, it’s beneficial to appreciate the long history of insurance in general. Ancient civilizations, for instance, utilized granaries as a form of insurance, storing food for times of drought or disaster. When trade surged in medieval Europe, merchants commonly took out insurance policies for their ships. Then, in 1752, Ben Franklin established a fire insurance policy in Philadelphia.

Thus, insurance predates automobiles. It’s believed that the very first auto insurance policy was granted to Gilbert J. Loomis in Ohio in 1897. Cars were still a novelty then, and as they gained popularity over the decades, so did auto insurance. Coverage started to include protection against theft and fire damage.

In 1925, Connecticut issued financial responsibility laws for motorists, which further propelled the popularity of car insurance. In 1927, Massachusetts became the first state to mandate auto insurance. Despite the vast time gap, New York was the next state to mandate car insurance in 1956. After World War II, cars became integral to American life, leading to more states requiring insurance. By the 1970s, most states had enforced either an auto insurance requirement or financial responsibility law.

Residents of Iowa interested in learning more about auto insurance should contact Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. We can help you understand the history, present, and future of car insurance policies.

Understanding Iowa Health and Managed Care

When choosing your health insurance for the year, you must understand a few facts before you begin. One thing you need to know is about managed care and what each kind provides and what it doesn’t. In Iowa, at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc., we are experienced independent insurance agents who are well-versed in health insurance and can help you sort out the different types and what will provide the coverage you need. 

There are three main types of managed care: HMO, PPO, and POS. Each has pluses and minuses, and knowing what those are will help you choose a policy that will give you the health insurance coverage you need. 


HMO is short for Health Maintenance Organization. The HMO is the original type of managed care that resulted from an act of Congress in 1973. With an HMO, you must have a primary care physician who manages all your healthcare decisions. They must be within the network of the carrier you choose. You will need to get a referral to visit a specialist, and they must also be in the network. With an HMO, visits outside the network for anything but a severe emergency are not covered. HMOs are the least expensive plans. 


A PPO is a Preferred Provider Organization. While a network of providers has been contracted with, patients can opt to go outside the network. Higher costs are incurred by going outside, but you can see who you want without getting a referral. 


POS stands for Point of Service, and it combines an HMO and a PPO. You need a primary care doctor, but they don’t need to be in the network. 

Contact our Iowa insurance office at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. when you are ready to choose your health insurance. 

Things every new homeowner needs to know about home insurance

Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc., Servicing Iowa Home Insurance

In the state of Iowa, when you need the services of an independent insurance agent, you can count on our team at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. to provide the personalized service you require. Buying a new home can be stressful, and learning all the things you need to know can be challenging. Our agents are here to help you decide what type of coverage you need.

Home Insurance Deductibles

When you file a claim on your home insurance, there will be a deductible. This amount is determined by you when you choose your policy. The higher the deductible, the lower the rate. However, keep in mind that you will pay the deductible on every claim; it is not a yearly deductible.

Limits on Home Insurance Coverage

It may feel safe to have home insurance, but while it does offer a lot of protection, there are quite a few exclusions. Traditional home insurance does not cover flooding, a major concern in many areas. It also does not cover any type of earth movement, including earthquakes, sinkholes, mud, and landslides. Additionally, homeowner neglect, such as infestations from termites and rodents, isn’t covered.

Choosing Your Personal Property Coverage

When it comes to personal property coverage, you have options. You can choose to cover your belongings for what they are worth today (current cash value) or what it would cost to replace them (replacement cost). It is less expensive to choose the current cash value, which accounts for depreciation.

Things That Increase Your Liability

Property features such as a dog, a trampoline, or a pool can increase your liability. Be sure to adjust your coverage amounts accordingly.

Contact the Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. team in Iowa to discuss your home insurance needs with one of our insurance agents.

What is umbrella insurance and who needs it?

Umbrella coverage is one of the least understood types of insurance. If you ask many people if they have umbrella insurance, they might look at you in confusion. We can tell you for sure that it is not insurance on your umbrella. In Iowa, you can count on the Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. to provide you with the information you need to know the value of an umbrella policy. We are a trusted independent insurance agency, and we provide our customers with the most choices when it comes to all types of insurance. 

What is umbrella insurance?

In the simplest terms, umbrella insurance is excess liability coverage. It is an additional layer of liability coverage added to another policy you have. Umbrella is not a stand-alone insurance policy. You already need to have a policy with liability coverage. Liability coverage includes many types of insurance, including home, auto, RV, motorcycle, condo, renters, and boat, to name just a few. Once you have the umbrella policy, it works with all your other eligible policies. 

How does umbrella insurance work?

When you have a liability claim, your primary policy will pay up to its limit first. At that point, the umbrella policy will kick in and pay up to its limit. Most umbrella policies start at a million dollars and go up from there. 

Who can benefit from umbrella insurance? 

In the world that we all live in today, where being sued is all too common, it is safe to say that if you have assets, you can benefit from umbrella insurance. In spite of thoughts to the contrary, umbrella insurance is not just for the rich. It can protect almost everyone. 

Call us at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. in Iowa when you have questions or concerns about umbrella insurance. 

How Do I Know if I Have Enough Auto Insurance Coverage?

You are legally required to have auto insurance in Iowa, but you may not know if you have enough coverage. Most people find they need more than the minimum coverage required by the state to be fully protected. At Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc., we offer auto insurance. 

Liability Coverage

Liability coverage is required by law. Iowa requires you to have 20,000 in bodily injury coverage per person and $40,000 per accident. You are also required to have $15,000 in property damage. Lastly, you’ll need $20,000 in bodily injury coverage per person for uninsured motorists and $40,000 per accident. 

Serious injuries can quickly add up to major medical expenses, which may exceed the minimum requirements. Property damage can also exceed $15,000 per accident. 

Experts recommend that you use your net worth to determine your coverage limits. To determine your net worth, add up your assets, including investments, retirement funds, and income. Then, subtract your debts. If your coverage limits equal your net worth, you are well protected from financial liability. 

Full Coverage 

If you have a lease or loan for your vehicle, you are required to have full coverage insurance. This consists of collision and comprehensive coverage. Collision coverage will pay to repair or replace your vehicle if an accident is your fault. Comprehensive coverage covers non-accident-related damage, including theft and vandalism. 

When considering this coverage, be sure that you choose a deductible that you can manage if an accident occurs. 

Gap Insurance 

If you owe more on your vehicle than it’s worth, you should consider gap insurance. If your vehicle is totaled, this will cover the difference between its value and the loan amount. 

Auto Insurance at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc.

If you need auto insurance in Iowa, contact us at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. We offer auto insurance coverage to meet your needs.