Auto Insurance in Iowa

Auto insurance is required in the state of Iowa to operate an automobile legally. At Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc., we help our clients in and around Marshalltown, Union, and Eldora, IA, with their insurance needs, including automobile coverage. Auto insurance is flexible, with many options and levels of coverage to select. Here is more information about the minimums required and how you can design your insurance to cover what you need it to.

Insurance Minimums for Auto Coverage in Iowa

In Iowa, your policy must meet certain minimum coverage levels to be considered legal. These are as follows.

  • Bodily Injury: This is a liability coverage that pays expenses related to injuries incurred when you are at fault in an automobile accident.
  • Property Damage: This is a liability coverage that pays for damage to personal property owned by others when you are at fault in an accident, including buildings, structures, and other automobiles.

Note that these are minimum coverage levels, and you can greatly exceed these figures in terms of coverage.

Suggested Optional Insurance in Iowa

In addition to increasing your coverage levels, there are also many optional types of coverage you add. These include uninsured and underinsured motorists if other drivers lack proper coverage, collision insurance to repair your own car, personal injury protection if you or others in your automobile are hurt, and comprehensive coverage if your car is damaged by non-accident occurrences such as storms. You can also add useful coverage such as roadside, rental reimbursement, and other coverage options.

When You Need Auto Insurance Coverage

At Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc., we pride ourselves on providing Iowa residents with great coverage and service. If you need automobile insurance, are looking to make some changes to your coverage, or are looking for options, reach out to us today.