What is umbrella insurance and who needs it?

Umbrella coverage is one of the least understood types of insurance. If you ask many people if they have umbrella insurance, they might look at you in confusion. We can tell you for sure that it is not insurance on your umbrella. In Iowa, you can count on the Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. to provide you with the information you need to know the value of an umbrella policy. We are a trusted independent insurance agency, and we provide our customers with the most choices when it comes to all types of insurance. 

What is umbrella insurance?

In the simplest terms, umbrella insurance is excess liability coverage. It is an additional layer of liability coverage added to another policy you have. Umbrella is not a stand-alone insurance policy. You already need to have a policy with liability coverage. Liability coverage includes many types of insurance, including home, auto, RV, motorcycle, condo, renters, and boat, to name just a few. Once you have the umbrella policy, it works with all your other eligible policies. 

How does umbrella insurance work?

When you have a liability claim, your primary policy will pay up to its limit first. At that point, the umbrella policy will kick in and pay up to its limit. Most umbrella policies start at a million dollars and go up from there. 

Who can benefit from umbrella insurance? 

In the world that we all live in today, where being sued is all too common, it is safe to say that if you have assets, you can benefit from umbrella insurance. In spite of thoughts to the contrary, umbrella insurance is not just for the rich. It can protect almost everyone. 

Call us at Brown-Hurst Insurance Agency Inc. in Iowa when you have questions or concerns about umbrella insurance.